5th Annual Great Plant Auction set for Hillsborough County Fair, youth programs to benefit

July 2021
The Fifth Annual Great Plant Auction is set for Sunday, Oct. 3 at the Hillsborough County Fairgrounds in Dover, home of the eight-day Hillsborough County Fair.
Presented by the Hillsborough Soil and Water Conservation District (HSWCD), in cooperation with local nurserymen, the auction is a great opportunity for fairgoers and members of the general public to stock up on plants to enhance their residential and commercial landscaping.
The auction is set to begin promptly at 2 p.m., with items available for preview starting at noon Oct. 3. Sale chairman is Roy Davis, a 2006 Florida Agricultural Hall of Fame inductee. A lifetime wholesale nursery operator, Davis remains an undaunted community supporter and volunteer.
Auction items include annuals, perennials, landscape and butterfly plants, ferns, bushes and tree and plant nutrition items.
The 2021 Hillsborough County Fair is scheduled to run Sept. 23-26 and Sept. 30 through Oct. 3 at the Hillsborough County Fairgrounds in Dover, at 215 Sydney Washer Road. (See the event flyer below.)
Plant Auction Flyer.pdf
For more information, contact: Betty Jo Tompkins, HSWCD executive director, at bjt6890@yahoo.com. Call: 813-477-8332.