There are a variety of different programs that FARMS supports including:

- Well Back-PluggingThe Well Back-Plugging Program addresses water quality problems that result from agricultural users pumping poor water quality from deep zones of the Upper Floridan aquifer.This program is implemented throughout the SWUCA but primarily focuses on the Shell, Prairie and Joshua Creek watersheds located in Charlotte and DeSoto counties.For more information about the Well Back-Plugging Program, contact David Brumbaugh at (941) 404-1488, or at David.Brumbaugh@WaterMatters.org.
- Mini-FARMSThe Mini-FARMS Program is a cost-share program for agricultural operations of 100 irrigated acres or less aimed to conserve groundwater and protect water quality through water conservation best management practices.This program reimburses growers up to 75 percent of their project costs up to $8,000 per project.For more information about the Mini-FARMS Program, contact Matt Vinzant at (863) 220-7250, or Matt.Vinzant@WaterMatters.org.
- Flow Meter Accuracy Testing ProgramThe FARMS Program offers a flow meter accuracy testing service at no cost for all flow meters associated with a FARMS project. Additional flow meters associated with a Water Use Permit (WUP), separate from those associated with the FARMS project, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.Flow meters associated with WUPs that require testing must be tested and calibrated at least once every five years to ensure that they are accurate within +/- 5 percent of actual flow rate.Any work or cost associated with repairing or replacing hardware necessary to achieve the +/- 5 percent accuracy are not included with the flow meter accuracy testing service.For more information about the Flow Meter Accuracy Testing Program, contact Patricia Robertshaw at (941) 404-1538, or Patricia.Robertshaw@WaterMatters.org.
- Research InitiativeThe FARMS Team manages District-funded research with the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) to support the District’s core mission.Research projects focus on water and nutrient resource issues in agricultural and urban landscape settings, evaluating crop irrigation needs, irrigation application and management techniques, nutrient application and management techniques, and opportunities for efficiencies. Research findings help support agricultural water use permitting as well as water quality and water quantity best management practices.For more information about the IFAS Research Program, contact Patricia Robertshaw at (941) 404-1538, or Patricia.Robertshaw@WaterMatters.org.
FARMS Resources
- FARMS Biennial Report
- FARMS Brochure
- Mini Farms Brochure
- Dover/Plant City Brochure Insert
- Agricultural Best Management Practices
- QWIP Brochure
- Well Back-Plugging Program BiAnnual Status Report (Oct. 2015–Sept. 2017)
Contact Info
For more information, contact Carole Estes at (941) 404-1452 or Carole.Estes@WaterMatters.org.
FARMS Governing Board Policy »
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