Teacher Resources
Home school or public school teachers you found the right spot! This part of the website has various resources regarding soil and water conservation. These resources include: short vides, websites, activity sheets, worksheets and more! This area is updated frequently!
National Agriculture in the Classroom (Free Lessons for Grades K-5, 6-12)
Home Page for National Ag in the Classroom
Soil and Water Conservation District Resources
- ABC's of Conservation.pdf
- ABC's of Soil Conservation pdf
- ABC's of Water Conservation.pdf
- Activity Fun Page 001 pdf
- Activity Fun Page 002 pdf
- Activity Fun Page 003 pdf
- Activity Fun Page 004 pdf
- Ag Venture Water Cycle Fun Page pdf
- Design of a Modern Landfill.pdf
- Pumpkin Pie in A Bag for 25 or 2 people plus Trivia
- Teacher Helpful Websites 2024.pdf
Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful
- Invasive Plant & Animal Curriculum from Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful
FWC - Florida Wildlife Commission
Florida Black Bears Kit: With use of the black bear curriculum guide (included), participants will explore the world of black bears and gain a better understanding of Florida’s largest native land mammal. In the kit: Authentic pelt, bear skull, rubber scat (poop), plaster tracks, bear spray canister (inert), tranquilizer dart in a bottle, non-lethal deterrents, premolar tooth, claw, hair snare, folder with photos, range map, and suggested activities.
Pelts, Skulls, Scat, and Tracks Kit: provides a great introduction to some of Florida’s most common mammals through the use of visual aids. Participants can learn to identify each animal with this fun, hands-on learning tool. In the kit: Authentic pelts, skull replicas, rubber scat (poop), rubber tracks, animal informational cards, and an animal identification activity.
Red-Cockaded Woodpecker (RWC) Kit: Inspire youth to take a closer look at the habitat and behavior of this endangered species. Use these materials to showcase how FWC monitors and maintains healthy populations and habitat for these birds and other species. In the kit: Tree cavity, wooden tree insert, skull replica, insects in resin, RCW bands, folder with pictures, range map, and activities.
Florida Bats Kit: For spooky (or not so spooky) times of year, this kit provides information about Florida’s 13 native bat species. Dispel bat myths and share bat facts with a hands-on learning experience. In the kit: bat skeleton in acrylic, white and red flashlights, bat IDs, range maps and variety of materials for hands-on bat study activity.
Manatees Kit: That’s not a mermaid! This kit contains a variety of artifacts and activities to let participants get to know our very own subspecies of sea cow, the Florida Manatee. Gain a greater understanding of the needs of this charismatic animal and how to conserve it in the wild. In the kit: manatee skull, flipper, rib bones, replicated manatee ‘skin’, manatee life history and activities.
Sea Turtles Kit: A great resource for those looking to learn about sea turtles who make use of Florida’s coastal habitats. Activities and provided life history documents ensure presenters can teach and answer questions about sea turtle habitats, biology, and behavior for all ages. In the kit: sea turtle skulls, shells, preserves hatchling, transmitter, scute jewelry (illegal trade), simulated turtle eggs, photos, and activity information.
Printables are free to download:
- Preschool: Gopher Tortise, Animal Walks, Scavenger Hunt, Coloring Pages
- Elementary: Aligator, Archery, Bears and You, Leaf Printing, Lionfish, and more!
- Middle School; Alligator, Archery, Taropon, Panther, Coloring pages
- High School: Bird Behavior, Tarpon, Oxygen Replacement Excercise, Crossword
- For Parents and Educators: Mini Lesson Plan, different infographics
Project WILD:
- Growing Up WILD
- Flying WILD
- Aquatic WILD
- Schoolyard Wildlife
GET WILD TRAINING! – Email state coordinator Yatska Valentin.
- General Questions or Comments? Send an email to FLProjectWILD@MyFWC.com.
- Visit Project WILD on Facebook.
- Interested in becoming a Project WILD facilitator?
- Learn more about National Project WILD at http://ProjectWILD.org/
Other Agencies Resources
- Air Filter Plant Infographic
- A Geography of Hope (informational document)
- Barn at Night Book Activity Kit
- Beef A-Z Lesson Plans pdf
- Conservation Planning
- Discover Florida Aquaculture
- Drive Thru Florida: Livestock and Poultry (FL Ag Literacy Day Book)
- Drive Thru Florida: Vegetables (FL Ag Literacy Day Book)
- FL Ag Trivia Flash Cards
- Florida Seafood Coloring and Activity Book [ 4.2 MB ]
- Florida Seafood Fun Facts and Activities Brochure [ 3.1 MB ]
- Florida Wildflower Coloring Book [ 412.7 kB ]
- Florida Wildlife Conservation Guide
- Fresh From Florida Activity Book (English) [ 11.5 MB ]
- Fresh From Florida Activity Book (Spanish) [ 31.6 MB ]
- Fuel Up And Get Fit Brochure [ 1.9 MB ]
- Green Florida Farms Book [ 4.4 MB ]
- Hero for the Hungry Book Activity Kit
- Your Hometown Clean Water Tour
- I Heart Coloring Book
- Inch of Soil Poster
- Invitation to a Healthy Yard Poster/Brochure
- Invitation to a Healthy Neighborhood Poster/Brochure
- Invitation to a Healthy Schoolyard Poster/Brochure
- Invitation to a Healthy Country Home Poster/Brochure
- Inviataion to a Healthy Apartment Poster/Brochure
- Living in Florida Watershed
- Mighty Mini Microbe's Tale: The Underground Adventures of Soil's Superhero's (coloring book)
- North American Association for Environmental Educators has more than 5,400 links divided among 300 categories.
- Sammy Soil Coloring Book
- Save Money Save Energy
- The Soil in Jackie's Garden (Feeding Minds Book)
- SWFWMD Recreational Guide
- These Florida Farms Coloring Book [4 MB ]
- Tweleve Orders of Soil Taxonomy Poster
- What is a Watershed pdf
- What is a Watershed (Spanish)
- Your Hometown Clean Water Tour (NRCS)
National Geographic
Links to Website Resources
- Aquatic Project WILD
- Conservation Education Hub from NACD Soil Curriculum, Workshops, Pollinator Guide
- Every Kid Outdoors fourth grade passes are a great opportunity to take field trips.
- Farm to School Program
- Feeding Minds Press (books and suggested activities related to Agriculture)
- Nutrients for Life (K-2, 3rd-5th, Middle and High School resources lessons, virtual field trips, video, and more)
- Project Learning Tree
- Watermatters.org (free in print or pdf: publications, teacher guides, lessons, guides, posters, bookmarks and more) Free Shipping
- Click link to SWFMD page, click Resources, Scroll to Free Publications
- Water Cycle Glossary of Terms