U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program

US Fish and Wildlife Service's partners for Fish and Wildlife program provides free technical and financial assistance to landowners interested in improving wildlife habitat on their land. Efforts focus on areas of conservation concerns, such as upland forests, wetlands, native prairies, marshes, rivers and streams with priority going to projects that provide habitat for at-risk, and threatened and endangered species. Projects have a minumum duration of 10 years and participating landowners do not forfeit any property rights and are not required to allow public access. Current partners include farmers, ranchers, forest landowners, recreational landowners, corportations, local governments, and universities. In addition to private landowners, the program also partners with other federal agencies, state agencies, and non-governmental organizations to complete projects on private lands. Contact your state coordinator to learn how Partners for Fish and Wildlife can help you.
Link to Webpage: Partners for Fish and Wildlife
Chad Allison
National and Regional Contacts:
Partners for Fish and Wildlife Contacts (National, Regional and State)
Region 1 (Pacific): Jalene Littlejohn (Jalene_Littlejohn@fws.gov)
Region 2 (Southwest): Don Wilhelm (Don_Wilhelm@fws.gov)
Region 3 (Great Lakes): Sergio Pierluissi (Sergio_Pierluissi@fws.gov)
Region 4 (Southeast): David Gonzales (David_Gonzales@fws.gov)
Region 5 (Northeast): Mark Cookson (Mark_Cookson@fws.gov)
Region 6 (Mountain-Prairie): Lauren Connell (Lauren_Connell@fws.gov)
Region 7 (Alaska): Mike Daigneault (Michael_Daigneault@fws.gov)
Region 8 (Pacific Southwest): Samantha Marcum (Samantha_Marcum@fws.gov)
Region 9 (Headquarters): Susan Abele (Acting), (Susan_Abele@fws.gov)